Tue. Feb 18th, 2025
Sew Potholders Easy Scrappy Potholders Tutorial So Sew Easy

Look at these simple and creative handmade sew potholders easy to make by your own. A potholder is basically a mini quilt with heat resistant. It is easy to make, useful and quick to finish. The only things that tricky when create potholder is binding.

  • Step 1. Prepare layers by using scraps of pieces into a top or cut the top from the yardage. Trim with a 7.5-inch square. Cut the back, regular batting and heat resistant bat with 8-inch square size. You can also lay the potholder top over with the batting and the cut without measure it.
  • Step 2. Quilt and trim at the corners. Layers the scraps as the instructions: backing (with the right side down), the heat-resistant batting (the shiny side turn down), regular batting and the top potholder in right side up. Center the top potholder with other layers. Secure with basting pins to prevent the scarps from shifting.
  • Quilt as you desired. After quilting, cut all layers to matching with the top of potholders.  If it required, trim up square. Trim the edges in the square around them.
  • Pin the binding.
  • Sew the binding
  •  Make the quilt loop

It is a level of sewing potholders easy especially if you love to sew and make the quilt.

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