Sun. Mar 16th, 2025 2:03:54 AM
Origami Art Projects Ideas Romantic Origami Craft Ideas And Art Projects

This article will give you, as a loyal reader, origami art projects ideas about a wallet. You can try to practice it. See the explanations below!

Simple origami wallet

Follow these instructions!

–       Choose the paper to be used.

–       Fold the paper according to the vertical line so that it becomes 2 equal parts.

–       Fold the left and right sides of the paper to the center. The paper will divide into 4 parts after you fold the sides of the paper to meet in the fold line in the middle of the paper.

–       Fold all the corners of the paper up.

–       Fold the left and right sides of the fold line in the middle of the paper.

–       Fold the side of the paper. Make folds of approximately 1/3 the top of the paper.

–       Fold the bottom of the paper up and slide it into the flap.

–       Fold the paper in the middle to 2 equal parts.

–       Decorate the outside of the wallet with pictures or stickers to make it look more personal.

Traditional origami wallet

To make it, the steps are:

–       For steps 1, 2 and 3, making a traditional wallet is the same as a simple origami wallet.

–       Fold the paper to the horizontal line so that it becomes 2 equal parts.

–       Make folds stacked in the upper corner.

–       Fold the flap backward. Use a fold line that forms paper into 4 parts to fold the flap backward so that the paper is square.

–       Make a small fold on the outside of the wallet.

–       Turn the wallet.

–       Now, you already have a genuine wallet with thick flaps on each side to keep it tightly closed. To be more attractive, you can decorate with funny pictures or stickers.

Then, do you have any origami art projects ideas?


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