Tue. Mar 18th, 2025 5:01:04 AM
Origami For Beginners How To Make Easter Origami Bird Easy Origami Tutorial How To Make An Easy

All of you must be familiar with origami. Although origami is originated from Japan, it already becomes the most favourite art to create all around the world. From children to adults, all of them love to make origami. Therefore, the difficulty level of making origami is also varied.

Usually, for beginners, they will first be introduced to make easy origami. For example, you will be told to make hats, flowers, or animals. You can find origami for beginners how to make on the internet. There are so many ideas which you can follow. For example, down below, we will give you the tutorial to make a cat origami.

  1. Prepare the origami paper with 8.5 x 11 inch then cut it to 8.5 x 8.5 inch.
  2. Fold the paper in half diagonally.
  3. Fold the paper again by folding the left corner to right corner.
  4. Fold up the left and right corner to make triangle ears.
  5. Fold down the top part a little bit.
  6. Turn the paper.
  7. Draw the eyes and whiskers.

After you are done drawing the eyes and whiskers, your cat origami is ready. Now, you can play with your friends using that cat origami. Meow!

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