Mon. Mar 17th, 2025 5:07:02 AM
Origami Kusudama Flower Origami Kusudama Flower Youtube

You may have known about an origami kusudama flower. The Beautiful kusudama flower can be made by folding five or six rectangular paper. If you make twelve florets, the flowers can be combined into a dazzling kusudama ball. Even if you only use colorful Post-it paper, the results will look amazing and can be used as decorations or brooches.

The Urgent Tips

In making this origami, you should:

  • Make sure the folds you make are really sharp, precise and firm. A good fold will produce a clean look.
  • Don’t use too much glue and you should use clear glue.
  • Choose bright and beautiful paper colors.
  • Make sure all the edges of the rectangle are flat so that they don’t have problems when folded over and over again.
  • Prepare five sheets of paper from the beginning. Make one floret until it’s finished, then work on the remaining four. This method will make you work faster.
  • Make 12 kusudama flowers and glue them together to form a traditional kusudama ball.
  • Tape the pipe cleaner to the bottom of the flower as a handle.
  • If you use liquid glue, wait until the glue dries out a bit, then glue the flowers together.
  • Make bigger flowers with bigger paper.
  • Use a glue gun so that each petal sticks more firmly.


  • Post-it paper will be more difficult to use because there are parts that have glue and will stick when folded.
  • Use a base when making flowers, so that your work desk is not messy.
  • Take care so that your hands are not scratched by sharp edges.
  • Take care when using an X-Acto knife.

Well, consider these tips and warnings to succeed in making an origami kusudama flower.

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